Monday, June 13, 2011


The other day was an amazing day. The weather was beautiful, and sunny. Then suddenly there came a rain storm. It wasn’t too wet, but down the valley, we could hear thunder. I even saw the flash of lightning once. It was such a comfort to me. I had missed the thunderstorms that we have at home sometimes, and was glad to hear rumble and feel the power of the storm.
In Bible class, we have been studying the Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8-11. One of the things we were looking at was “voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake” in Revelation 8:5. When I was sitting there, listening to the thunder, I heard the rumbling of the Bible truth: Jesus is coming soon! I heard the power of the message. Jesus is coming soon!
Accept this message in your heart. God will put His power in your life so that you can be a powerful witness for him.