Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senior Survival

"Go get your packs and meet me out back. You have 5 minutes."
The noisy speaker crackles, bringing every grade 12 student to full awareness. These words have long been waited for, dreaded by some, longed for by others. We all know that the day is coming when we will be called from our cozy spots in the warm school building to the buses waiting for us outside. Five minutes after the call is made, they will roll off campus and carry us to the most astounding part of our Health Class experience: Senior Survival Camp-out.
I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the “Senior Survival” experience of Life. That will be the day when Jesus calls us to come home with Him. So many people dread that day. They hide from the consequences that their current actions will give them then. Others, however, can't wait to experience that most glorious, astounding moment of their Christian experience, when at the trumpet sound and the voice of God, all people in the world will be snapped to attention by their Savior descending to meet them face to face.
In Health Class, we have been getting super ready for the awaited day. Mr. Ras. has made 100% sure that we will be prepared, so long as we listen to his instructions. There will be no ten-virgin parables in this class, if we pay attention. Everything from shelter-building to fire-starting to wild edibles; I've tried to learn as much as possible. In fact, studying this material has invaded every other part of my life. I quiz myself as I walk down to school. While I harvest, I work on identifying the “bothersome weeds” that may end up save me from starving in an emergency. I know the material, I just need to practice it.
Christ has made all provisions for me, to make sure that I am ready to join His kingdom. As I go about my day, I work on the Bible verses I have memorized. These portions of the Bread of Life will keep me from starving when the epic test of faith comes.
What ways has preparation changed your life? Have you devoted the time and energy into learning the inspired material provided? Are you practicing trusting your teacher? Remember that He knows which things are “edible” and which are not? Is your pack ready, checked and rechecked by the capable hands of your Master? Are you ready for the day when the loud trumpet sounds, and the voice of the archangel shouts,? Always be ready! You never know, you may only have five minutes!

“Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.” Amos 4:12 NIV

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today at 8:46 AM, several of us students had a memorial service remembering those who died ten years ago today. "Taps" was played, flags were raised to half mast. Moments of silence were taken, and prayers said. A speech was made, and anthems were sung. I never realized how devastating those attacks were to the United States. 2,996 people lost their lives that day. The sacrifice that they made, to many people around the world, represents the cost of freedom.
So many people have died in the course of history for the freedom of this nation. Many battles have been fought and countless lives lost to secure freedom, but I want to turn our thoughts to the one person who died for the freedom of the entire world. Why was His sacrifice so much more emancipating than the other lives that were lost?
"Jesus said 'Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.'" (John 8:34-36 NKJV)
Free indeed! That is more than just freedom here on earth, but freedom for eternity. To me, that is so much more important than freedom here for a little while. However, just like here, freedom is a a choice that each one of us has to make. We can chose to be free from sin and slavery, or we can let ourselves be made captive by Satan and our own desires. What is your choice today?