I started the morning yesterday with straightened hair, a fancy skirt and complimenting blouse. I wanted to make sure I looked nice for church. I came home later, had dinner with friends, and tried to be as grown-up as I could. I wasn't very enthusiastic about anything, and was mentally snapping at those around me. It wasn't really that great of a day.
One thing I've been thinking about, especially after having just re-read my identity paper is what on earth I'm supposed to do with my life. I kinda want to do this or that, or be like that person, or do something great in this world. But I'm beginning to realize something. (And I say 'beginning' on purpose -- I don't quite think it has fully sunk in yet). All I can do in this life is to be me. God has designed me to work with others, yes, but not to mimic them. He wants my to be uniquely me, because I cannot serve Him better being anyone else.
I ended the day yesterday with wild, dirty hair. I was covered in silt and freezing glacier water. I had built rafts (um, if you can call them that) and played tag. We rolled in the silt, got stuck in it and used it for mosquito dope. I was excited about running around, soaking up the nature around me. We saw dozens of moose tracks, and little bird tracks. It was great to spend time with some of my favorite people in my favorite place. It was a perfect day after all -- I could be me.
Forget all the things this world puts in your shoulders. Don't get me wrong -- church was wonderful that morning and I loved the company of my friends at dinner. But when you are thinking only about yourself and worrying about nonsense, you end up being some worrier who is pretending to be who God made them to be. Try it this week -- see what God has planned for you,, and He will show you how to be you.