Friday, August 24, 2012


The other day, we were out weeding our garden. Well, I guess it's not much of a garden. Since we were gone this whole summer, nothing ever got planted since no one would be her to take care of it. But we were weeding out the weeds that were growing. Some of them were at least 5 feet tall. As we waded through the jungle, I stopped suddenly, and scratched my head. "What? Is that spinach? Couldn't be...." But sure enough, there were two full plants of spinach. I went on to clean the leaves off, and harvest the leaves of both plants. While I sat there thinking about those plants, I remembered that last year, we had planted a little spinach. But more than what we planted had come up. We had an overabundance of the plant. Some had seeded from the year before that, supplementing our little patch. Maybe that happened again this year. I was remarkable to think about. Those seeds had somehow managed to survive the winter, then come up this spring without any help or direction. They grew strong, amid the weeds and ended up being a little blessing to me(I happen to love spinach.) God really knew what He was doing when he created seeds. He shaped them to be able to retain their life through the winter, and know when to start growing. He has shaped our hearts that way. All throughout my life, I am planting seeds, whether good or bad. They impact people beyond what I can imagine. Any action I make, or word I speak can lodge itself in someone's mind and start to grow when the time is right. I know that not all my seeds have been healthful. Some of them are weeds, but by God's grace, they can be pulled out. He'll be sure that the good deeds and kind words are "watered" and will grow to change people's lives. He is the Good Gardener. I may not see the results of these things till Heaven, but they still take place. God can use us to bless others, bringing those good seeds to grow. This is how we, as Christians, change lives. I need to remember that. Since I am a representative of God, my actions should produce seed for Him, that will grow to change hearts.

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