Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Rock or the Sponge?

The other day, I was talking to a friend about how different people control their anger. He worded it this way: "There are two types of people: Rocks and sponges. Whenever it rains on a rock, the water just bounces right off, without affecting the rock at all. When it rains on a sponge, all the water just gets soaked up. Eventually, when you squeeze the sponge the right way, the water explodes everywhere."
I realized how true that is. I know I tend to be like a sponge. I don't let things just bounce off me. Problems and grudges and sins build up inside until I just can't take it any more. What an unpleasant experience for anyone around me!
I was thinking how unfortunate that is. Why can't God just take away the water? I wouldn't have a problem with that. Doesn't that sound nice? Then I realized just how selfish that would be, for me to deprive God of His means of changing and building my character for His kingdom. God doesn't want me to suffer, but He knows that if I want to be right and ready for His kingdom, I need to get through the trials, with His help.
Later that week, I was sorting carrots (which happens to be a very inspirational task). I was wondering what I, as a Christians, need to be if I can't be a rock or a sponge. Something in between maybe, like coral. The water goes in me, and kinda falls out the other end. I live in the water, but I'm not really affected or changed by it. That didn't really work.
Then all the sudden, I realized what I need to be: a plant. A plant starts as a seed -- kinda hard. It may not seem like its doing any better than a rock. But look at it. It grows! How amazing, that something that should be dead can have life like that!
If a plant goes without water for too long, it won't survive. The rain may seem to pelt the plant and cause it to slouch, but not for long. God uses the water to bring life to the plant, and life to us too. There are cells in the plant that take the water and basically make life-giving oxygen out of it.
Isn't God amazing? When I give Him my trials, He will make them into blessings. If I choose to give Him my life, He will be able to impact others through me. Only when I live like the plant, living to give, will I be able to grow closer to Christ.

1 comment:

  1. but when water totally soaks a a rock, and it freezes, the rock breaks. Also, if you put a wet river rock into a fire it will explode... but sponges just burn, and sponges just expand :) different spin on that one... :)
