Monday, February 6, 2012

Hoover Dam

The other day we took a field trip to the Hoover dam. It was so neat to go inside the actual structure, to see the electricity generators and learn about the history. People used the water, that once caused much harm, to benefit people all around the area by creating electricity and providing water for irrigation. There were so many details that I would never have been able to notice if I were in charge of building that thing. For example, they ran cold water through the cement as it hardened to help speed up the process.
But God is building an even more impressive structure, your character. There are so many intricate details that make up who you really are. He works every detail, person, and experience to have a changing impact on who you are. Every single trial and hardship you've ever encountered has changed some aspect of your life. But He promises that He is strong enough to deal with any trial that comes your way. He is working on you, building in you that phenomenal structure, so long as you let Him be the cornerstone. It took 5 years to build the Hoover dam, but your character will take a life time. Remember that your character is the only thing that you can bring with you from this world to the next -- Take the time to build it right. God cares about us, and He knows what he's doing. Trust Him.

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